Gauge O Guild Virtual Show: Sat 31 October 2020

Here at Trainsporters, we’re excited and delighted to be exhibiting at the Gauge O Guild Virtual Show on Saturday 31st October 2020!

Yes, that’s right - large exhibition centres and trade fairs are certainly off the cards for 2020, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get to see the latest and greatest innovations in the model railway industry. The Gauge O Guild will be bringing the buzz of their o gauge show directly to your home; from their website you will be able to dip in and out of different sessions, all of which will be accessible from the Gauge O Guild website. Highlights of the show will include: layouts, demonstrations, modelling competitions, and a number of live sessions. For a full timetable of live events, click HERE.

Alongside all of the excellent exhibitions, Trainsporters will be running two live Question and Answer sessions - one at 12.30 and another at 15.30. Two of our founding members, Mark and Carl, will be on-hand with our entire box range to show you the versatility of our boxes and how they are the perfect storage and transportation solution for your model railway stock. We’ll also be launching a flash offer on Saturday, so keep your eyes peeled on our website and Facebook page.

We can’t wait to answer your questions and, of course, enjoy the show on Saturday - we hope you will be able to join us!

Gauge O Guild website: 

Trainsporters O Gauge range:

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